Achievements – Outside of School

Autumn-Rose took her Modern dance exam in April and achieved a distinction – scoring 86% one of the highest scores.  Well done Autumn-Rose.

On 9th April Kyle and his older brother Jacob climbed Mount Snowdon in gale force winds and snow to raise money for Pippa’s Army animal rescue. They smashed it and raised £600 in total.

Theo plays for a local team called the Falcons, they have recently gone up a league.  In a recent match Theo scored 5 goals in total and was given the player of the match! It was a great win for the Falcons! Such an Unbelievable come back! Proud of him and the team!

Autumn-Rose took part in ‘Unified Street Dance’ Competition on Sunday 03/03/24.

She got through to the semi-finals for her solo and was in 5th place overall for the Duo.
Well done Autumn-Rose 🙂

Mia is really enjoying her Bugsy Malone rehearsals!

If you’d like to see her, she is performing on Friday 29th March (evening) and Saturday 30th March (Matinee).

Lily had her first ever Gymnastics competition ‍♀️ and won 1st place on the vault and 2nd place on floor!!   Well done Lily!!

Luke completed 2000m distance badge at impulse leisure, swimming 80 lengths of the pool non stop. Well done Luke.

Well done to Mia, Dolly and Molly who recently won their first football match!!!! Mia scored 4 goals and Dolly scored a goal. They have all worked so hard and their improvements have been massive. They have lost a few games where they have been playing against boys (who play football all day every day, lunch break at home etc) and girls who have been a year older so have had an extra years training but it has helped them as they got their win against an U7 girls team recently.


George in 3CS drew this lovely Owl picture at home for Mrs Mead. Well done George.

Over the weekend Brody did a double grading in kickboxing and got his yellow and then orange belts. He worked very hard to get these and is very proud.  Well done Brody.

Maisie P in RSD ran the 2km Santa Run for Havens hospice on Sunday 3rd December at Wat Tyler Park. She was very proud of herself as it was her first run! She received a Santa medal

Well done to Thomas (5OT) who recently passed his Grade 2 drum exam with distinction.


Henry and Anderson saw the advert for a memory walk to raise money for Alzheimer’s and dementia and asked if they could take part in memory of their Nana Ivy so we signed up and they have been collecting sponsors.  They completed their walk Sunday 1st October and have so far raised £260! Well done boys, great achievement.

Jasmine has been selected to be a helper at after school club, helping the younger children during the sessions. She is really proud of herself. Well done Jasmine.