Aims of the Nursery

Our aims for the teaching and learning of Early Years relate to the principles in the Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage Practice Guidance.

We aim:

  • To provide a rich and varied environment that will challenge and stimulate children’s curiosity and imagination both indoors and outdoors
  • To develop positive attitudes towards learning and to display high levels of motivation
  • To develop independence and responsibility within a supportive and secure environment
  • To place an emphasis on positive and caring human relationships
  • To develop each child’s self-esteem through praise and encouragement
  • To provide first-hand experiences and encourage children through purposeful play
  • To begin to build links between home and school, valuing the contribution that parents make to their child’s education
  • To provide equal opportunities for learning irrespective of gender, race, cultural background or special needs
  • To provide a varied and challenging curriculum in accordance with the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage seven areas of Learning and Development
  • To educate the whole child emotionally, socially, intellectually, physically and spiritually
  • To carefully plan to meet the needs of individual children