Upcoming Dates


Parents are welcome to watch class assemblies.Ā  They take place in the school hall and will start at approximately 9.00am (unless otherwise stated).Ā  They should finish by 9.30am. Other family members are welcome to attend if parents are unable to watch.

Wednesday 1st May 4KP

Wednesday 8th May 1MH

Wednesday 15th May 2EM

Friday 17th May 1EP

Wednesday 22nd May 5AN

Wednesday 5th June 2AC

Wednesday 12th June 4RW

Wednesday 19th June RSD & RSK

Friday 12th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly 1.30pm


Tuesday 30th April – Class Photos

Thursday 16th May – Year 3 trip to Colchester Castle

Thursday 6th June – Year 2 trip to Essex Fire Museum

Wednesday 12th June – Year 5 trip to Ninja Warriors

Monday 17th June – Year 6 trip to Harry Potter Studios

Tuesday 18th June – Year 4 trip to Colchester Zoo

Tuesday 18th June – Reception new intake meeting (September starters)

Tuesday 25th June – Sports Day

Friday 28th June – Summer Fete (details to follow)